Global Quartz Worktops

Global Granite's Quartz Range Fitted by Henderstone

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Global Quartz Worktops

Global Granite's range of quartz is designed specifically to be non-porous and highly durable, meaning the surface is resistant to scratches, stains, and virtually maintenance free. All of their quartz slabs are curated with 93% pure natural quartz and 7% other substances, and are coloured with unleaded colourants, ensuring that colours are even. 

These stones are available in 20mm and 30mm thickness, and can be ordered in Jumbo or Super Jumbo depending on the size worktop we need for your kitchen. 

Benefits of Global Quartz Worktops

Impact resistant


Scratch resistant


High flexural strength

Heat resistant

Easy to care for

Global's New Zero Silica Range


With growing concerns over the effects of silica, many companies and suppliers are creating brand-new quartz ranges with zero silica. Introducing Global Quartz's new Zero Silica range! This collection minimises the impact of the silica on those fabricating the stone. Also, it gives homeowners peace of mind in knowing that their worktops are completely safe and silica-free. View the collection below: 

Global Oyster Bay Zero Silica

Oyster Bay

Global Radiance Zero Silica


Global Olympus White Zero Silica

Olympus White

Global Alpine Zero Silica


Global Arctic Zero Silica


Design Choices for Quartz Worktops

Bevel Edge Profile

Bevel Edge

Pencil Round Edge Profile

Pencil Round Edge

Demi Bullnose Edge Profile

Demi Bullnose Edge

Bullnose Edge Profile

Bullnose Edge

Ogee Edge Profile

Ogee Edge

Dupont Edge Profile

Dupont Edge

Birds Beak Edge Profile

Birds Beak Edge

Mitred Edge Profile

Mitred Edge

How is Quartz Manufactured?

Quartz slabs are manufactured with the intention of creating a stone that is highly durable and scratch-resistant. Refined quartz particles are mixed with resins, pigments, and other materials such as glass or metallic flakes; it is then poured into moulds and subjected to intense vibration to remove air bubbles. The slabs are cured under high heat and pressure, solidifying the resin and creating a dense surface. 

See our detailed guide to learn more about how quartz is manufactured 


Global Quartz Taj Mahal Worktops

How Do I Get A Quote?

Looking for Global Quartz worktops for your kitchen? Send us an email with your plan and what stone you would like a quote for, or if you have your measurements to hand, why not try out our instant quote system and get a rough price in minutes.

Watch this video for a tutorial on how to use our instant quote:



Our Showroom

Our showroom is located in the heart of Staplehurst, alongside our fabrication facility, and we have an extensive collection of quartz samples available for customers to come and view. Some people find it useful to bring along other samples from their kitchen, such as floor, tile, and paint, in order to find the stone that best suits their plans. 

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