Bloomstone Quartz Worktops

Bespoke Bloomstones Quartz Countertops for Kitchens & Bathrooms

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Bloomstone Quartz Worktops

Bloomstones London has over 25 years of experience in curating slabs of natural stones and composites. They offer a range of unique and personable designs that allow individualised style and choice. 

With a promise of quality control procedures, they offer an extensive warranty on their stones, giving customers peace of mind in knowing their worktop is designed to last. Read more below for the benefits of choosing Bloomstone quartz worktops 

Benefits of Bloomstone Quartz Worktops

Impact resistant


Scratch resistant


Heat resistant

Easy to care for

Design Choices for Quartz

Bevel Edge Profile

Bevel Edge

Pencil Round Edge Profile

Pencil Round Edge

Demi Bullnose Edge Profile

Demi Bullnose Edge

Bullnose Edge Profile

Bullnose Edge

Ogee Edge Profile

Ogee Edge

Dupont Edge Profile

Dupont Edge

Birds Beak Edge Profile

Birds Beak Edge

Mitred Edge Profile

Mitred Edge

How is Bloomstones Quartz Made?

The quartz supplied by Bloomstone consists of around 93% quartz and 7% polymer resins. Available in both 20mm and 30mm thickness, these slabs built and designed to be extremely durable and hard-wearing. 

The process of manufacturing quartz ensures consistency in colour, pattern, and quality across batches, something that natural stone cannot guarantee.

See our detailed guide on how quartz is manufactured here

Bloomstone Lincoln Quartz Example
Bloomstone Lincoln Quartz Splashback Example

Caring for Bloomstone Quartz

Due to the nature of quartz, a simple wipe down with a clean cloth and water is enough to maintain the appearance of the stone. For tougher stains, it's recommended to use warm soapy water and a non-scratch cleaning pad followed by a dry cloth. Use of harsh chemicals and abrasive cleaners can cause discolouration and erosion of the surface, so avoid using these on your quartz worktops

Bloomstone Lincoln Sink Area

Bloomstone Quartz Warranty

  • Bloomstone trusts its quartz to withstand the tests of daily life and offers customers a 10-year warranty on the stone. Due to its properties, the stone does not need regular sealing, unlike natural stones, providing peace of mind knowing your worktop is designed to last if properly cared for. 

How Do I Get A Quote?

You can email us a kitchen plan over with information about what stone you would like to be quoted for, or alternatively, if you have your measurements to hand, you can use our instant quote system to get a rough price in minutes 

Watch this video for a detailed tutorial on how to navigate the instant quote:




Do You Have A Showroom?

Our showroom is located in the heart of Staplehurst and has an extensive range of quartz samples, including Bloomstone, for you to view. Some customers find it beneficial to bring along other samples of paint, textiles and flooring, to choose the right worktop for their space.

 We can also send samples for you to view in the comfort of your home; simply fill in our contact form with your name, address, and the stones you want to see. 

Looking for Bloomstone Quartz Worktops?

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