Stone Cladding

Stone Shop Fronts

These days within the Commercial market first impressions count more than ever.  Here at Henderstone we believe our Customers should use the 'Show and Sell' tactic to make your Commercial project more inviting, contemporary and exciting. 

 It's a proven fact that what makes a high street business truly stand out is a prime shop frontage and with our expert advice we can help you do exactly that.

Stone Cladding

Stone cladding provides outstanding aesthetic appeal and can literally transform a tired building into a modern and sophisticated one.  Henderstone will provide assistance with design through to execution using meticulous detail and precision in every project.  We are specialists in internal and external cladding in granite, marble, slate and stone.

We understand the importance of using the latest technology of mechanical fixings and adhesives to ensure a safe and secure finish to last a lifetime.

All of our stone is of the highest quality and is able to withstand the daily results of heavy traffic pollution in built up areas.

Granite Cladding

Granite cladding on a shop front will identify and distinguish any business from it's neighbours and provide a modern fresh look to set it apart from the rest.  Using a combination of stone cladding with large inviting glass windows the result will create an exquisite welcome for any discerning shopper.

By adding granite cladding to a shop frontage a building can retain existing stone risers but compliment and maintain the character of the building in such a way that a whole new finish will be provided without actually changing the configuration of the building.

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