Make granite worktops part of an environmentally friendly kitchen overhaul

Make granite worktops part of an environmentally friendly kitchen overhaul

So you’ve decided to catch up with the contemporary drive to reduce our carbon footprints by adopting a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Asides planting a tree to offset those carbon emissions and cycling to work instead of driving to reduce your personal quota of destructive carbon releases, you are going to give your kitchen an environmentally friendly makeover – After all, they say a greener existence starts in the home.
One of the most obvious ways to make a kitchen ‘greener’ is to replace power-zapping appliances with energy-efficient ones. However, a somewhat lesser known way to create a kitchen that is kinder on the environment is to replace existing surfaces with granite worktops.

Natural and degradable
Granite is a natural stone that is manufactured from hot molten lava way below the sedimentary layers of rock. Unlike many other options of kitchen worktops, being formed out of natural ingredients, granite is easily degradable.

Less non-degradable waste
One of the biggest advantages of opting for granite worktops in your quest for a greener kitchen is that this material requires very little maintenance and can have a much longer lifespan than many synthetic surfaces.
In being such a long-lasting, durable and low-maintenance choice of worktop, granite surfaces require replacing very infrequently, which will not only mean you will save money but you won’t be contributing to increasing non-degradable waste like you would with many synthetic alternatives, which typically have a two to five year lifespan.

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